There is a tree whose image has gone viral on social media in and around Guwahati over the last two days. It’s the massive tree adjacent to Digholipukhuri. The buzz is about the planned felling of this century-old tree, which has witnessed Guwahati's transformation from a sleepy little town into a bustling—now congested—metropolitan city. But this write-up isn't about the stellar planning skills of the concerned authorities, who have so thoughtfully overlooked the ecological, historical, and emotional impact that felling trees like this would have on future generations. It also isn’t about how the state’s green cover is being mercilessly chopped down to make way for ever-growing urbanization. And I surely don’t want to repeat what thousands have already echoed about the urgent need for conservation and the woes of Guwahati's residents, who have been battling climate change, artificial floods, and dust storms in recent years. No, this is about something much more personal—th...